Colocación y sustitución de grifería calentadores mamparas encimeras etc., Installation and replacement of taps, heaters, screens, countertops, etc., Centelys servicios de limpieza y mantenimiento


Faucets play a crucial role in both kitchens and bathrooms. Proper faucet placement and replacement can improve the efficiency of your water supply while adding an aesthetic touch to the space. Qualified professionals are essential to ensure accurate installation, avoiding problems such as leaks and ensuring optimal operation.

Professionals and Guarantees

In all these operations, hiring experienced professionals is essential.


Installing and replacing heaters is key to ensuring a reliable supply of hot water. From flow heaters to boiler systems, choosing the right equipment and installing it correctly is essential. Experienced professionals ensure proper connection to the water and gas network, minimizing risks and guaranteeing efficient and safe performance.


Screens in bathrooms and showers not only offer functionality by dividing spaces, but also contribute to the overall design of the place. Proper placement of screens requires precision in measurement and installation to prevent water leaks and ensure the durability of the material. Professionals specialized in screen installation play an essential role in this process.

Colocación y sustitución de grifería calentadores mamparas encimeras etc., Installation and replacement of taps, heaters, screens, countertops, etc., Centelys servicios de limpieza y mantenimiento