In compliance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), it is informed that these General Conditions of Access and Use (hereinafter the “Conditions of Use”) aim to regulate the conditions of use and utilization of the website or websites located at the address: centelys.es, owned by:

CIF: B96946991
Braçal del Roncador 6
46800 Xàtiva
Phone: 962284000
Email: info@centelys.es
Web: www.centelys.es

(hereinafter centelys.es).

centelys.es has been created to disclose and allow access to the information contained therein, with the restrictions and limitations imposed by these General Conditions as well as to allow and enable access to other pages with which the centelys.es website has commercial, professional, or any other type of relationships.

The business purpose of centelys.es is:

Professional cleaning services, cleaning of all types of facilities, maintenance services, and technical services of electricity, carpentry, floor treatment, and others.



Through the address located at centelys.es, any user can freely access the information contained in the said WEBSITE.

The conditions of access to the website are subject to the legal provisions in force at any given time as well as to the principles of good faith and lawful use by the User, expressly and strictly prohibiting any action that could be detrimental or prejudice to the Portal or third parties.

The website does not require prior subscription or registration for simple navigation, or for access or use of some services of the website. Conversely, to receive email notifications of new offers or discounts, subscription is necessary.

Services or content requiring subscription for their access or use will be accompanied by the corresponding notice of the need for subscription. Regarding the treatment of personal data, see the Privacy Policy of centelys.es.


The mere use of the website or confirmation of the corresponding field in the registration process as a Subscriber User, will imply the acceptance of the general conditions of use of centelys.es.

Through the centelys.es website, all Users will be provided with the possibility to access the contents, services, and other information concerning the social object of this entity.

These conditions of use fully constitute the agreement between the parties regarding access and use.

centelys.es is empowered to unilaterally modify all and each one of the obligations set forth in these General Conditions of Use, without the need for prior notice. Likewise, it is capable of restructuring, modifying, or deleting any information, service, or content included in the website, without the need for prior notice. The modification of any of these general conditions for a particular case will only be valid when it has been collected in writing and signed by the legal representatives of each party.

Similarly, centelys.es reserves the right to access or use some of the Services of the website, now or in the future, being able to require for its access the condition of Subscribed User, a condition that in such case can be obtained by inserting the user’s email in the corresponding User subscription box that centelys.es will make available to Users who wish to do so.

Veracity of the data

By filling in these forms, subscription boxes, or similar tools, the USER acknowledges that the data provided are obtained directly from the user, truthful and correct, committing to notify centelys.es of any change or modification that occurs in them.


The User commits to make a lawful, diligent, honest, and correct use of whatever information or content they have access either through the centelys.es webpage or third parties previously provided by centelys.es and all under the principles of good faith and with respect at all times to the law in force.

The User must refrain from obtaining, except for personal use, any information (understood by information to mean any message, sound files, photographs, drawings, software, and in general any class or type of computer file, graphic, etc..) that is owned by the website.

Likewise, the User acquires the commitment not to maliciously or intentionally cause damage or harm that can undermine or alter the website itself as well as not to introduce, or spread so-called “computer viruses” that can produce unauthorized alterations of the contents or systems of the website. The commitment acquired